Friday, April 29, 2011

Use the Door.

FHQ has two big slabs of glass up front.. about once a week someone manages to walk face first into the right window (when exiting). A lot of times the people are texting or in deep phone conversations so those people kind of deserve it.

We put chairs in front of it, even a little orange cone on the ground so fools pay more attention. Sometimes we just yell, "WATCH OUT!!" That's saved about a dozen people from the hit, But no matter what we do, it happens too often.

We have gone one step further and put this lil clear piece of tape on there that reads: WATCH OUT!!

Theres also our shop hours and credit card stickers on the glass so anyone that walks into it now is just asking for it.

I have to admit, its pretty damn funny.. But were getting kind of tired of cleaning greasy forehead/nose marks off the glass.. also im scared that one day its just going to break (im not trying to pay for that crap).

So thanks for coming by.. We appreciate it, but please use the door.

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